Those who strike another individual may be charged with assault and battery. People convicted of this crime can be sentenced to jail time and other serious punishments. This is especially true when older individuals are victimized. As people grow older they can be...
Experience. Integrity. Attention. Understanding.
Year: 2019
Could I lose my medical license after a DUI?
Receiving a DUI charge can drastically affect anyone’s life. You might have to pay a large amount of fines, lose your driving privileges and face potential jail time. Additional penalties could severely impact your career if you happen to be a licensed medical...
People charged with burglary could face serious consequences
People in Florida enter into other's property almost every day. This could be when they go to work, the grocery store, or friends and family. For the most part, these individuals are invited onto the property either explicitly or there is an implied invitation such as...
People convicted of meth possession face serious consequences
Florida has a number of drug laws on the books. While some of these statutes allow for the legal use of some narcotics, such as prescribed pain medications, most of them prohibit the manufacturing, distribution, possession, and use of illegal drugs.When individuals...
Driver’s license suspensions related to DUIs
When people drive in Florida, they agree to follow all the traffic laws. If they do not do so, then they could receive tickets, pay fines, and, for some violations, spend time in jail. One of these laws, of course, disallows individuals from driving while under the...
3 things that can create a false positive for breathalyzers
After a long night out with friends, driving home becomes the next imperative. You wait to sober up before you hit the road, but all the same a cop car flashes its lights and you pull over. Now while you probably didn’t expect this DUI stop, you probably know...
When self-defense is a valid defense to assault charges
There are, unfortunately, people in Florida who resort to violence to solve their differences. There are others who use violence as a way to rob others or intimidate them for other reasons. Generally, when people do use violence against others, they could be charged...
The basic process after a probation violation
Many people in Florida are charged with crimes each year. There are many defenses to these crimes and people are not guilty just because they are charged with a crime. However, many people are convicted of crimes eventually. This could be for a variety of reasons, but...
Certain people charged with drug crimes could avoid convictions
People in Florida start using drugs for a variety of reasons. It could be to deal with pain, as a way to relax or escape a certain situation. However, while people may never expect that they will become addicted, drugs can be highly addictive, and people can be...
People may lose their vehicles for a period of time after a DUI
Driving a vehicle in Florida is considered a privilege. In order to maintain that privilege drivers must abide by a number of different traffic laws and when they do not there are consequences. The severity of the consequences depends on the severity of the offense,...