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The basic process after a probation violation

On Behalf of | Oct 17, 2019 | Criminal Defense |

Many people in Florida are charged with crimes each year. There are many defenses to these crimes and people are not guilty just because they are charged with a crime. However, many people are convicted of crimes eventually. This could be for a variety of reasons, but sometimes it is better to take a plea deal instead of taking chances at trial. Part of many plea deals usually involves a period of time when people are on probation, among other penalties.

While on probation, people have a set of rules that they must follow. In addition to not committing any new crimes, they may be required to submit to drug tests, have meetings with probation officers, complete community service or other punishments. If people do not complete all their probation requirements or abide by the rules, they could commit a probation violation. If they commit a probation violation, just like when they are charged with a crime, there could be a warrant issued for their arrest.

Also, just like when people are charged with a crime, when they commit a probation violation they are not automatically guilty. At the first appearance on a probation violation, people admit or deny the allegations that they violated the terms of their probation. If they deny the allegations, the judge will set another hearing. While they wait for that hearing the judge can impose bail once again. At the next hearing, people have the chance to be heard and present evidence to demonstrate that they did not violate probation and a judge will make a decision after hearing the evidence.

There are many rules that people must follow on probation and sometimes people are on probation for multiple years. During that lengthy period of time, they may be accused of violating the terms of their probation. If that occurs, they still do have an opportunity to demonstrate that they are innocent and potentially avoid the additional penalties imposed on them as a result.
